• info@murielbrand.co.za

For Learners With Special Educational Needs


Muriel Brand is a parallel-medium school and offers the CAPS curriculum, the same as other mainstream academic schools. Learners are admitted from the age of 3-years in the pre-primary department. Each grade from Grade 1 to 12 has one English and one Afrikaans register class. The school has a proud record of matric results. Most years a 100% pass rate is achieved.

The following subjects are available as subjects of choice for FET learners: (Gr 10 – 12)

Home Language – English or Afrikaans

First Additional Language – English or Afrikaans

Math Literacy

Life Orientation

Consumer Studies

Business Studies



The school has received many provincial awards as one of the top-achieving Special School in the Gauteng province. Several of our ex-pupils achieved tertiary and post-graduate qualifications.  Learners experiencing barriers to learning may qualify for a variety of examination concessions after thorough assessments of these barriers. These concessions may include a scribe, reader, prompter or extra time allocated. These concessions are strictly regulated and granted by the Department of Education.